APO Dream Tour
by OJ Lopez, APO Pi Chapter 2005-A, Director for Fraternity '07-'09
When I got my US visa last November, it was just suppose to be me and my family spending the holiday season in the land of the free, away from any involvement in the APO world back in the Philippines... and so I thought.
December 25, 2008
Bedford, TX
Finally my parents agreed that I could spend time with APO members in the area. Being the only APO member in the family sometimes its hard to convince them that what I'm doing is something productive. Anyway, in the Reyes' residence was a gathering of the APO Dallas - Fort Worth AA wherein Pi Brod Bems Domingcil is its president. When we arrived my parents were impressed of the hospitality of the APO members. After dinner they left me there because they know I wouldn't be able to take off that easily. We had great food, drinks, and a lot of fun! After a few hours of food and drinks consumption...
A brod from Pi (my chaptermate) inquired...
Jun Tapay: Punta ka ba Boston Convention?
OJ: Hindi eh
JT: Pupunta ako, sama ka sa akin
... several hours later we were on our way! And I thought I was hallucinating!
APO USA Convention
December 27-30, 2008
Boston, MA
It was a blast! The convention was great, 2000+ brothers in attendance, a lot of workshops to choose from, service projects, legislative sessions and a variety of events that would appeal to everyone. They also have very helpful information service, and...
APO USA brothers know how to party!
Enjoy some pictures:
Jun Tapay, APO USA NP Maggie Katz, OJ, Mel Gonzales

with Brothers from Rho Gamma (CSU Long Beach) freezing in the snow

December 28, 2008
Bridgeport, CT
Pi is family... we went to the wake of Bro. Leo's father to share his grief.
Pi Brods Rommel Artes, Jun Tapay, Leo Baltazar, and OJ

The City that Never Sleeps
December 31, 2008 - January 1, 2009
New York
I never thought at this point in time that I will be able to spend the New Year in New York!
Time Square

January 2-7, 2009
Philadelphia, PA
Its more than just the Philly cheese stake!
Lafayette College, Easton, PA
Need I say more?

My Thank Yous Ain't Enough
but I'll thank you all again anyway...
Bro Bems (kung hindi ka tumawag boring sana pasko ko), Bro Jun Tapay (You rock! from the plane ticket, hotel, food, etc but most of all for the brotherhood), Sis Tess & Bro Ivan Reyes and the rest of APO Dallas-Fort Worth, Bro Mel Gonzales (especially for the convention souvenirs), Bro Mel Adriano, Bro Joey Soriano, Bernie Castillo, Bro Leo Baltazar, Bro Ted Topacio and wife Nadine (sa paghatid sa NY and the pictures sa snow
), Bro Rommel Artes & Bro Jojo Bunao (adopting me while in NY), Edwin Jamora (sa pag drive around Philly), Sis Archy Savant (the best!), to all APO USA brothers who kept on partying even when the hotel marshalls told them to stop and to all APO Phils brods and sisters who I've met along the way, thank you for the warm handclasp.
Being in the fraternity for only 3 years (batch 2005-A), a collegiate member status, I am very much overwhelmed that I am able to travel the different places in the Philippines for being elected as the National Director for Fraternity. But I never imagined that I will be able to join in APO's international events and meet brethren in North America.
As a collegiate member, I say youth is not a hindrance to represent or an excuse to misrepresent our beloved Alpha Phi Omega. Our alumni members are always there to support us wherever they are in the globe, I will stand anywhere to testify to that. Alpha Phi Omega is the best!!!
Up to this point in writing this entry I am still on a "hangover" and kept on pinching myself if this was all a dream.
And I kept saying "ouch".
I guess this is not a dream after all.
by OJ Lopez, APO Pi Chapter 2005-A, Director for Fraternity '07-'09
When I got my US visa last November, it was just suppose to be me and my family spending the holiday season in the land of the free, away from any involvement in the APO world back in the Philippines... and so I thought.
December 25, 2008
Bedford, TX
Finally my parents agreed that I could spend time with APO members in the area. Being the only APO member in the family sometimes its hard to convince them that what I'm doing is something productive. Anyway, in the Reyes' residence was a gathering of the APO Dallas - Fort Worth AA wherein Pi Brod Bems Domingcil is its president. When we arrived my parents were impressed of the hospitality of the APO members. After dinner they left me there because they know I wouldn't be able to take off that easily. We had great food, drinks, and a lot of fun! After a few hours of food and drinks consumption...
A brod from Pi (my chaptermate) inquired...
Jun Tapay: Punta ka ba Boston Convention?
OJ: Hindi eh
JT: Pupunta ako, sama ka sa akin
... several hours later we were on our way! And I thought I was hallucinating!
APO USA Convention
December 27-30, 2008
Boston, MA
It was a blast! The convention was great, 2000+ brothers in attendance, a lot of workshops to choose from, service projects, legislative sessions and a variety of events that would appeal to everyone. They also have very helpful information service, and...
APO USA brothers know how to party!
Enjoy some pictures:
Jun Tapay, APO USA NP Maggie Katz, OJ, Mel Gonzales

with Brothers from Rho Gamma (CSU Long Beach) freezing in the snow

December 28, 2008
Bridgeport, CT
Pi is family... we went to the wake of Bro. Leo's father to share his grief.
Pi Brods Rommel Artes, Jun Tapay, Leo Baltazar, and OJ

The City that Never Sleeps
December 31, 2008 - January 1, 2009
New York
I never thought at this point in time that I will be able to spend the New Year in New York!
Time Square

January 2-7, 2009
Philadelphia, PA
Its more than just the Philly cheese stake!
Party at the old city

with Philly party girl... hehehe

The Lafayette Experience
January 8, 2009with Philly party girl... hehehe

The Lafayette Experience
Lafayette College, Easton, PA
Need I say more?
but I'll thank you all again anyway...
Bro Bems (kung hindi ka tumawag boring sana pasko ko), Bro Jun Tapay (You rock! from the plane ticket, hotel, food, etc but most of all for the brotherhood), Sis Tess & Bro Ivan Reyes and the rest of APO Dallas-Fort Worth, Bro Mel Gonzales (especially for the convention souvenirs), Bro Mel Adriano, Bro Joey Soriano, Bernie Castillo, Bro Leo Baltazar, Bro Ted Topacio and wife Nadine (sa paghatid sa NY and the pictures sa snow

Being in the fraternity for only 3 years (batch 2005-A), a collegiate member status, I am very much overwhelmed that I am able to travel the different places in the Philippines for being elected as the National Director for Fraternity. But I never imagined that I will be able to join in APO's international events and meet brethren in North America.
As a collegiate member, I say youth is not a hindrance to represent or an excuse to misrepresent our beloved Alpha Phi Omega. Our alumni members are always there to support us wherever they are in the globe, I will stand anywhere to testify to that. Alpha Phi Omega is the best!!!
Up to this point in writing this entry I am still on a "hangover" and kept on pinching myself if this was all a dream.
And I kept saying "ouch".
I guess this is not a dream after all.